Production News
Breaking news! SUA productions is not dead. Please forgive us for not updating sooner, but not all that much has happened. As far as numbers go we still only have six members and as a group we are still going to conventions. College and work has made it difficult for us to get together to work on skits and other videos. However, Kio-chan has been working hard on several new cosplays, which can be noted on her bio page. In addition she will also be road tripping to conventions outside SUA'S normal location. Be on the look out for her at Anime North, Anime Expo and Otokon. SUA will also be attending CPAC 2011 and Anime Next. Be on the look out for us. More updates to come.
Plans for this summer's activities are in the works. In addition, discussions about group cosplays is also underway. When the kinks are worked out we will make a page letting you know what cosplays we will be doing as groups and possibly who will cosplay who. Check back for more updates.
SUA Productions has accepted a new member into our group. She goes by the nickname of Dawn. To learn more about her, check out her profile page in the bios section of our website. In addition preperations for AnimeNext are in the works. We are all looking forward to attending this event. Check back for more updates.
SUA Productions got back from SpringFest 2010. We had a great time. We have two new videos, one is our comments about the event and the other is a mini slideshow of the cosplayers and our members during the con. Member comments Check back for more updates.
Members are excited for SpringFest 2010. Be on the look our for SUA Productions. Check back for more updates soon.
SUA Productions has been on Hiatus for a few months now. However we have some news! Our group is growing! We have recruited two new members. Their bios will be up sometime soon. So be on the look out for that.
School has prevented us from getting together to make videos, so once again we are on break. The members of SUA hope to have a get together on halloween. Stay toned for more updates soon.
Kio-chan and Shi-chan have returned from NYC Anime Fest. Photos that were taken by Kio-chan can be viewed in her NYC Anime Fest 2009 video on her youtube account. Shi-chan's pictures will be posted on the group account sometime in the future (hopefully)
All photos from AnimeNext 2009 have been uploaded. A majority of them are on our group's DA account, which is SUAProductions. Since we had so many pictures we also added some on Kio-chan's photobucket account. Username is animeprincess1452. With college starting up again, we will go on hiatus for a while. Kio-chan will continue to be active on her personal accounts so be on the look out for more videos. Discussions are underway about the Death Note Skit. Hopefully it will be done in October. Check back for more updates.
The Whose Village is it anyway skit has been completed. We have uploaded it on our youtube channel, so if you haven't already seen it, take a look. Once again we had to cut some of the footage out, due to how bad it was. If we do decide to have a third showing of this skit series we will include the games we cut out. Also for those of you who have been waiting to see the photos we took during Anime Next, you can now do that since Kio-chan has posted the slideshow. It is on her channel EmOUchihahime. Check back for more updates.
The Death Note skit has been delayed do to complications in member schedules. New date will be released when agreed upon by members involved in production. Check back for more updates.
SUA has created an Deviantart account (SUAProductions). Photos from conventions and random photoshoots will be placed there in the future. This saves room on our website for other things. The Death Note Skit date has been confirmed and will be produced on 7/15. Be on the lookout for those videos. Check back for more updates.
As you can see, the website has gone through some updating. We have a whole new layout and design. Preparations for NYC Anime Fest are still underway. Members are working on their new cosplays. In addition to that, plans are being made to do two new skits, "The Death Note Skit" and "Whose Village is it anyway 2." Times and dates are being discussed with members and should be finalized soon. The games for the Whose Village skit have been confirmed. We will be performing, Props, Scenes from a hat, Mission impossible, Questions only and lets make a date. If you have any ideas for these games, please contact us via email. Check back for updates.
SUA Productions now has a twitter account. Username: SUAProductions.
Currently preparing for Anime Fest. New videos are on our page from AnimeNext 2009.
The bios for the new members have been added to the bio page. Please look at them, and see the new members of S.U.A Productions.
The site is undergoing some updates/ repairs. New members shall be added to the page in a week. Kio-chan has started her own personal project of a youtube series entitled, "The How and Why of Kio-chan." The first episode has been added to the offical youtube account.
SHIUCHACO Productions is still on a group Hiatus. We will do short videos individually but there are no plans for group skits in the near future. The next possible group skit will be the Death Note Skit and that should be in production around halloween but has yet to be confirmed. We have also adopted a nickname of "SUA Productions". There is also an update in the number of members. We have gotten 2 confirmed members and two soon to be approved members. Their bios will be added sometime this coming week. Check back here for more updates.
SHIUCHACO Productions is on a short Hiatus due to school starting up again. We have posted a new skit, entitled "Kioko's Nightmare" We also put up bloopers from that video and the Five fact meme we did months ago. Please visit our youtube account to get some information on our recent projects. Check back here for more updates.
'Whose village is it Anyway' has been completed and has been posted on our youtube account, along with our bloopers video of our recent production. We also hope to start production of our Death Note skit within the next couple of weeks. (If we will that's another story all together). Concidering on how enjoyable our first improv skit was, we have decided to continue, and hope to do another one next year. This is a perfect way for you all to get involved. Check back here for more updates.
SHIUCHACO Productions has returned from AnimeNext 2008. Photos from the convention will be posted in our photos section on July 8th. We are discussing times for our future summer skits. Check back for more updates. Don't forget to share your ideas for our "whose village is it anyway" skit. Thank you.
The forum is now up and running!
The SHIUCHACO Productions Offical website is completed! The forum is in construction and will be in use shortly.
The SHIUCHACO Productions Offical website is in construction. Please feel free to look around. If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact us.