Where do you buy your costumes?
Are you going to such and such con?
do you buy your costumes?
Most of the time we buy our costumes, but we try to create them by hand. The only downside to that is we don't have much skills with sewing. We buy our costumes at cosplaymagic.com or cosplaystation.ca. Other items used for our skits and cosplays are either bought at conventions or online, through those sites or ebay.
Are you going to such and such con?
SUA Productions can usually be found at our local conventions which are AnimeNext and NYC Anime Fest. We are poor college students (yeah college really kills your budget), and don't always have the needed funds to go to other conventions other then the two mentioned. However, that isn't to say we won't try to go to other conventions in the future. If you are wondering if we are going to a convention, check our event schedule or check for video updates.
If you have any burning questions, please feel free to submit them to us and we will respond as soon as time allows. Just a heads up, none of the members will answer questions we consider rude or too personal.